Saturday, September 29, 2007


Dreading the PoPoes

A crime occured in my home again. About a month ago my son brought some punk into our home who had the balls/nerve to steal my daughter's cell phone right off the coffee table in our living room. I called him up and offered him an opportunity to bring the phone back before I called the Po-lease. When I finally did call the Po-lease, they told me that by giving the Thief a chance to return the phone that it was now a Civil matter and would now need to sue him to get my phone back.

My son called home a couple of nights ago to tell my daughter that her friend Juan was bragging how he stole my daughter's special ring and was going to give it to his girlfriend. The look on her face when she came back from checking her jewelry box in her room about broke my heart. Other kids told me the same story about his bragging.

His big brother brought him by to address the matter. When I confronted this kid, he denied it but he didn't look me in the eye, he looked at the ground. I KNOW he took it. His girlfriend even sent my daughter an e-mail saying he told her about the ring and how he was going to give it to her.

Perfect time to call the Police, right? What are they going to do - go to the kid's (Juan) house, and then what? Is he going to confess?

How will I/we/my family gain by getting the Police involved? Putting OUR name on their roster is something I don't need.

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