Friday, December 22, 2006


School Policy - Part 2

My battle continues with the Policies of the School System. The people I'm dealing with remind me of the people who get on the Boards of Condo Associations and then come up with all kinds of Rules and Regulations so they can "lord over" others and tell them what they can and can't do.

I wrote personalized letters to each of my daughter's teachers asking them to allow her to make up her schoolwork during the time of her Suspension. Every one of them let her make up her missed assignments EXCEPT the problem Science Teacher. When she sent home an Academic Warning 3 days before the end of the Grading Period whereby she cited "Excessive Absenses" and "Failure to Complete Work", I wrote her back jesting to her that she must be kidding. I said it was a "little late notice" plus the fact that my daughter was absent because SHE got her suspended and SHE refused to let her make up the work.

The teacher sent me back an e-mail making all kinds of apologetic excuses for the late notice and said that she didn't give my daughter the work because she never asked for it. I responded that why should my daughter have to ask when you received a Written Request from the Parent? Funny thing is, that same bitch Principal called me the next day to explain why my daughter didn't get her work, saying how the teacher had asked her several times about it. How do you explain the e-mail?

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