Saturday, December 24, 2005


Families and Their Children

I met a gal the other day that was confronting enormous challenges in her family life. Seems her husband had acquired a Drug Problem and the situation had somehow come to the attention of the Dept. of Children & Family Services (DCF). Long story short, her husband has 'flown the coup' and the DCF has taken custody of HER children.

I can't be certain as to what her drug usage might be, but what does that matter? This is America. What gives ANYONE the Right to take her children away? So what if Mom smokes a joint once in a while... or takes a hit off something more potent? As long as she is taking care of HER children and not abusing them, it's no one's business how she chooses to raise them or how she chooses to deal with her personal hardships.

I am not saying that I approve of drug abuse by parents, but unless the children are physically in danger - Mind Your Own Business! Unfortunately I/we live in the State of Florida where they think they have a mandate to suspend the Rights of parents. Check out the track record of the DCF in Florida... it is Un-American.

That is exactly why I bought a Smith & Wesson Model 65. It can sit in mothballs for years but will work just fine. Try taking my kids away. I don't give a funk what uniform or what badge you're wearing. My kids are MY kids... not the State of Florida's. Go ahead and tow my car because I didn't pay my traffic tickets, but go ahead and try to take my children for any reason. Perhaps this is what our forefathers were thinking when they gave us the Right to Bear Arms?

This is a good example of the "Police State" I'm referring to.

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